What will be the results? Release of results

The main results of the 2022 Census with reference date 15 May 2022 are available for download as regional tables (in EXCEL format, including machine-readable tables, in German).

The tables contain data for regional levels - Germany, Länder, administrative regions, urban districts/towns not attached to an administrative district/rural districts, associations of municipalities, and municipalities. Five subject areas are covered: population figures, demographics, buildings and dwellings, education and employment, households and families.

For further machine processing, the information is also available in structured form as CSV tables, without formatting or merged cells. The CSV tables do not contain footnotes or explanatory notes.

Please note the explanation of symbols provided on the ‘Erläuterungen zur Methodik’ (Methodological notes) tab in the EXCEL file. These exact symbols are found in both the EXCEL version and the CSV data sheets and do not represent formatting of any kind. Depending on the type of processing, the content of a column may not be identified as numerical due to these symbols. For your own statistical evaluations, please take suitable measures to ensure the symbols are converted into figures. In Python, for instance, use: .to_numeric(errors='coerce')


Regional table on ‘Bevölkerung’
(xlsx, 1,8 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Education and employment

Regional table on ‘Bildung und Erwerbstätigkeit’
(xlsx, 28 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)


Regional table on ‘Demografie’
(xlsx, 5,2 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Buildings and dwellings

Regional table on ‘Gebäude und Wohnungen’
(xlsx, 20 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)


Regional table on ‘Haushalte’
(xlsx, 4,5 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Grid data for download for geographical information systems (GIS)

Here you can find the data of all maps shown in the Census-Atlas, which may be freely used as open data (provided that the source is cited). Each ZIP file contains the data on the particular topic for the 10km, 1km and 100m grids as CSV files and a detailed dataset description in EXCEL format. Users can also access the dataset description separately to learn more about the grid data before performing the download (in German).

Due to their size, the data for 100m grid cells, in particular, cannot be opened with spreadsheet applications such as EXCEL. For analysis purposes, they are therefore generally processed using GIS tools.

Population figures

Dataset description for table on ‘Bevölkerungszahlen in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 109 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Bevölkerungszahlen in Gitterzellen
(zip, 18 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Average net rent exclusive of heating expenses

Dataset description for table on ‘Durchschnittliche Nettokaltmiete in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 118KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Durchschnittliche Nettokaltmiete in Gitterzellen
(zip, 9 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Main type of heating

Dataset description for table on ‘Überwiegende Heizungsart in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 116 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Überwiegende Heizungsart in Gitterzellen
(zip, 21 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Energy source used for heating

Dataset description for table on ‘Energieträger der Heizung in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 116 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Entergieträger der Heizung in Gitterzellen
(zip, 23 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Regional allocation of census variables to "grid cells" is permissible under the Federal Statistics Act. The grid width of these cells must be at least 100 metres. The usual legal confidentiality provisions are adhered to when such data are published.

The results will be provided for example in the Census database, which at present contains the results of the 2011 Census. In the database, the data will be available for various regional levels down to the municipality level.

The high-resolution, geo-referenced results will also be published as download files with 1 km and 100 m grid cells.

This also enables the census results to be processed independently of administrative regional units. The data will be available in INSPIRE-compliant format.

The INSPIRE Directive (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) aims to make spatial information usable across countries and administrative boundaries in Europe.

The rule for all releases is that a maximum of evaluation opportunities is retained, but the results will not allow any information to be derived on individuals. All data collected for the 2022 Census are evaluated in fully anonymised form. Data which identify individuals, such as names and addresses, were separated from the rest of the data and deleted at the earliest possible stage. There is a confidentiality procedure regarding the releases which makes it impossible to derive any information pertaining to personal data or other individual cases. More information is available on our data protection and information security and census confidentiality webpages.

All results are published as OpenData and can be used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to “Data licence Germany”, provided that the source is cited.