Current content of the website

82.7 million people live in Germany

There are 43.1 million dwellings in Germany

75% of all dwellings are heated with oil or gas

The release of Census results has started!

The publication of the 2022 Census results startet on 25 June 2024 with a press conference of the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder, which was represented by the Federal Statistical Office and the Land statistical offices of Nordrhein-Westfalen (IT.NRW) and Bayern.
The census outputs will be released in a phased approach from 25 June 2024 onwards. At the start of the release phase, the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder will provide the results for the press conference on the Census website.


First results

The Census-Atlas

The Census-Atlas, an interactive mapping application, provides first results for the population, buildings and dwellings and offers small-area data on a grid-cell basis, also across the boundaries of municipalities.


Explanatory animations for the 2022 Census

In our media library you can find various explanatory animations for the 2022 Census. The videos illustrate how the census works and provide exciting information about how and why it is carried out. We also offer our videos with subtitles in many different languages. Take a look!


Knowledge for a brighter future

Is there enough housing in Germany? Do we need more schools, universities or care homes? Where does the state have to make investments for its citizens? In order to answer these questions and several others, the Statistical Offices of the Federation and the Länder conduct a census in Germany every ten years.


Press Releases

26 June 2024 2022 Census: three-quarters of all dwellings heated by oil or gas


Release of 2022 Census results


The publication of results will be postponed until summer 2024


17 January 2023 2022 Census: census of buildings and housing completed


28 December 2022 2022 Census: outlook on the results available in 2023


14 December 2022 Looking back at a successful census year in 2022


1 December 2022 2022 Census: household surveys successfully completed


16 November 2022 2022 Census: how Germany will benefit from the results of the census of buildings and housing


26 October 2022 The 2022 Census provides information on households and families


Facts about the 2022 Census

What is right, what is wrong? The 2022 Census is one of the largest official statistic projects in Germany. Many citizens will be involved in the census and obliged to provide information. When it comes to major official statistics projects like this, some information may be misunderstood or even deliberately misrepresented. In addition to classic print and online media, false information may be shared on social media or in chat groups.
Here are the facts about the 2022 Census!
