Zensus 2022 Census: census of buildings and housing completed

Press release No. 43 of January 17, 2023

  • 24.2 million responses concerning residential property were received
  • 2022 Census surveys successfully completed

WIESBADEN - The census of buildings and housing as part of the 2022 Census has been completed as far as the citizens are concerned. Except for a few follow-up deliveries and reminding procedures, the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder have completed the survey, which started on 15 May 2022. Across Germany, the owners of residential space submitted 24.2 million responses concerning buildings or dwellings. Housing companies continue to be obliged to transmit missing responses to the relevant statistical offices of the Länder.

Brand: particularly pleased about the use of the online questionnaire
"Now that the population census and the census of buildings and housing have been completed, both surveys of the 2022 Census have come to a successful end. That is an important step on the road to publishing the results", said Dr. Ruth Brand, President of the Federal Statistical Office. "It is particularly pleasing that the majority of people, namely 82 percent, used the online questionnaire to submit their responses for the census of buildings and housing."

Data on housing and heating for the whole of Germany
The results of the census of buildings and housing will provide figures relating to the distribution of residential buildings and dwellings throughout Germany. For the first time, it is possible to gain a nationwide overview of net rents exclusive of heating expenses and of why properties are empty and for how long they have been vacant. In addition, the 2022 Census has collected up-to-date information on energy sources and types of heating.

Survey of households ended in November 2022
Major steps have been planned for the coming months to assure data quality and to process the data further. The survey of households – the second part of the 2022 Census – ended in November 2022. A total of 11.7 million people provided information for that survey.

Large-scale project tackled by many people
"My most profound thanks to the many millions of people in Germany who completed the census questionnaires and to all those at federal, Land and municipal level who have been involved in conducting the census," said Dr. Ruth Brand. "The 2022 Census is a demanding but rewarding task because it provides an exceptional range of important and highly detailed data on housing space, education and employment in Germany, in addition to the number of inhabitants."

Further information on the 2022 Census and pictures for reproduction are provided at www.zensus2022.de. If you are interested, we will be pleased to find you interview partners to discuss census issues.

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