Zensus 2022 Census: how Germany will benefit from the results of the census of buildings and housing

Press release No. 39 of November 16, 2022

  • The census provides data on heating energy sources
  • Nationwide comparisons of net rents exclusive of heating expenses will be possible
  • Data available on reasons for vacancy of buildings and dwellings


WIESBADEN - The 2022 Census collects current data on residential space and housing circumstances in the whole of Germany as part of the census of buildings and housing. The results will provide an overview of the structure of buildings by year of construction, type of heating and energy source of the heating system. In addition, the data on vacancies of dwellings are a major basis for meaningful housing construction policies. Responses have been received for as many as 23 million residential objects to be covered nationwide.

For the first time, the 2022 Census will provide a data basis on energy in residential buildings
Figures on residential space for the whole of Germany will be available for the first time since 2011. “Where do we need more family-friendly dwellings and where more senior-friendly housing? Only if we have reliable data on this, can we make plans and take decisions in a needs-oriented manner”, says Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office. The census will enable us to present major factors of the energetic situation of buildings and dwellings. The energy sources are broken down by gas, oil, pellets, biomass, solar energy, electricity and coal. This means that the census results are a major data basis for decision-making in the context of the climate and energy policy in Germany.

Covering net rents exclusive of heating expenses will also make it possible to get a comprehensive overview of the level of rents for existing tenancies. The new data collected by the 2022 Census will thus help to meet the increasing need for information on rents that is nationally comparable.

Census provides data on reasons for longer vacancies of dwellings
Against the background of the current lack of dwellings, the results of the census of buildings and housing are important from another aspect. The data on vacancies provide for the first time detailed information on how long dwellings have been vacant and what the reasons are especially when this has been the case for a longer time. The anonymised data on dwellings and, consequently, on vacancies do not allow to derive information on individual dwellings or buildings.

More information on the 2022 Census and its surveys is available at www.zensus2022.de. There you will also find sample questionnaires (in German) of the 2022 Census surveys. If you are interested, we will be pleased to find you interview partners to discuss census issues.

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