Zensus 2022 Census: München home to largest proportion of individuals with a university degree

Press release No. 50 of October 16, 2024

  • On 15 May 2022, 20% of people aged 15 and over had a higher education qualification
  • Largest proportion of degree holders in München (41%); Heidelberg and Jena home to the highest proportion of doctorate holders (7%)
  • Results for education and employment now available in the census database

WIESBADEN In Germany, 20% of people aged 15 and over had a higher education qualification (Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Diplom degree or doctoral degree) on 15 May 2022. Coinciding with the release of the census results on education and employment in the census database, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that 40% of the relevant population had completed an apprenticeship or vocational training in the dual system of vocational training and education. 12% had a trade and technical school certificate, while 27% of people did not (yet) have a vocational qualification.

All the results for "People aged 15 and over: highest vocational qualification" can be found in table 2000S-1003 in the census database.

Apprenticeship or vocational training most common qualification across all age groups
Across all age groups, an apprenticeship or vocational training in the dual system of vocational education and training was the most common qualification. Of those aged 30-49 years, 38% had completed an apprenticeship or vocational training in the dual system. The corresponding figure was 47% for those aged 50-64 years, and 50% for people aged 65 and over. At just under a third (29%), the highest proportion of people with a higher education qualification were in the 30-49 age category.

All the results for "People aged 15 and over: age (5 age categories) - highest vocational qualification" can be found in table 2000S-2032 in the census database.

München, Erlangen and Heidelberg home to largest proportion of individuals with a university degree
A comparison of administrative districts and towns not attached to an administrative district reveals that big university cities were home to the largest proportion of people with a higher education qualification: qualifications from higher education institutions were most common in the cities of München (41%), Erlangen (40%) and Heidelberg (39%). The highest concentrations of doctorate holders could be found in Heidelberg (7%), Jena (7%) and Tübingen (5%): these cities were home to the largest proportions of people aged 15 and over with a doctoral degree.

Among the Länder, higher education qualifications were most prevalent in the city states of Berlin and Hamburg (both 32%), while Hessen was the non-city Land with the highest proportion of people with a higher education qualification (22%).

 All the results for "People aged 15 and over: highest vocational qualification (in detail)" can be found in table 2000S-1004 in the census database.

Data on education and employment now available in the census database

The census database is a search tool that allows users to retrieve detailed results of the 2022 Census in tabular form for various regional levels - Germany, Länder, administrative districts, municipalities and boroughs (Berlin, Hamburg) - and combine the data with other variables. Various output formats are available for further data processing. The census database is based on the same technology as the other databases provided by official statistics agencies in Germany. Other applications can also communicate with the database directly (API) via programming languages.

Results for education and employment are now available in the database, and add to the results already published regarding the population (demographics), buildings, dwellings, households and families. The new publication of the results for 2011 based on the territorial boundaries of 2022 is also planned.

Methodological notes:
The 2022 Census collected information on the population’s education and employment based on the household sample survey conducted as at 15 May 2022. Results are available for municipalities and associations of municipalities with a population of 10,000 and more.

Information on the completed school education, the higher education or vocational qualification attained and employment was only collected for people aged 15 and over.

Higher education qualifications include Bachelor's, Master's and Diplom degrees (including state examinations such as for the teaching profession, Magister degrees, artistic and comparable degrees) and doctoral degrees. The vocational qualifications attained include apprenticeships, vocational training in the dual system, equivalent qualifications from full-time vocational schools, preparatory training for the intermediate service in public administration, 1-year schools for occupations in healthcare and the social sector, and on-the-job training.

Trade and technical school certificates include qualifications as a master craftsperson or technician, completion of 2-year or 3-year schools for occupations in healthcare and the social sector, and completion of schools for educators.

People who have not attained a vocational qualification also include those who completed a pre-vocational training year and/or a period of practical vocational training because neither leads to a vocational qualification.

The Census is designed to provide nationally comparable results for a specific reference date while keeping the burden on respondents to a minimum. The 2022 Census was carried out using a register-assisted procedure, as was the 2011 Census. This means that existing administrative data were used - particularly from the population registers. The real estate owners to be surveyed were determined, for instance, on the basis of real property tax data. Where no or not enough administrative data were available or the data quality was insufficient, surveys were conducted to obtain the required data. Roughly 12% of the population were polled in the household survey. Approximately 23 million residential property owners provided information on their property for the census of buildings and housing, as did some 8,000 housing companies. For the first time, questions were asked in relation to the rent charged, the heating energy used and the reasons for dwelling vacancy and the vacancy duration. Information on the conduct of the 2022 Census is also provided in the Factsheet zum Ablauf der Befragungen.

More information:
These and other results of the 2022 Census can be accessed at www.zensus2022.de. In the press section, you can find current information for the press, press releases, contacts, press photos and further downloads relating to the 2022 Census.

In addition, the website provides:

  • The census database as a search tool that allows users to retrieve detailed results of the 2022 Census in tabular form for various regional levels - Germany, Länder, administrative districts, municipalities and boroughs (Berlin, Hamburg) - and combine the data with other variables. Various output formats are available for further data processing. The census database is based on the same technology as the other databases provided by official statistics agencies in Germany. Other applications can also communicate with the database directly (API) via programming languages. The census database contains data on the population (demographics), buildings, dwellings, households, families, education and employment. The new publication of results for 2011 based on the territorial boundaries of 2022 will soon be available.
  • Regional tables for download (in EXCEL format, including machine-readable tables). The regional tables contain data for regional levels - Germany, Länder, administrative regions, urban districts/towns not attached to an administrative district/rural districts, associations of municipalities, and municipalities. They cover the following five subject areas:
    1. Population figures
    2. Demographics
    3. Census of buildings and housing
    4. Education and employment
    5. Households and families
  • The Census-Atlas, an interactive map which comprises results for the population, buildings and dwellings on the basis of grid cells (10 km, 1 km and 100 m).
  • Podcasts, videos and animations with background information (for example about the benefits of the data)

Links to all applications will be provided at www.zensus2022.de once they are available. We will also notify all subscribers to our Census-Newsletter about further additions to our website. You can register for the newsletter on our press page.
At x.com/Zensus2022 we will also keep you abreast of our latest releases.

For further information:

Press office: Tel: +49 611 75 3444 (service number)

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