Zensus 2022 Census: census of buildings and housing on the home stretch

Press release No. 37 of October 12, 2022

  • 22.6 million responses already received in the census of buildings and housing
  • Most respondents used online questionnaire
  • Results provide important data on energy sources in residential buildings


WIESBADEN - Just under five months after the reference date of the 2022 Census, a very positive overall assessment can be made for the census of buildings and housing. Responses have been received for as many as 22.6 million residential objects to be covered. Most of the responses were provided through the online questionnaire. 85% of the responses received were made in a digital way. “We are very pleased to see that so many people have already participated in the census of buildings and housing. We are definitely on the home stretch now,” says Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office. “In addition, the high online rate confirms that there is high public acceptance of the digital survey."

The statistical offices continue to encourage participation in the census
“Those who have not responded yet should complete the questionnaire soon,” Thiel says. “Every single response is important for meeting the high quality standard of the census results. This is the only way for Germany to obtain reliable data for the future.”

The results of the census of buildings and housing provide a major data basis on the housing situation in Germany, such as on energy sources in residential buildings or on rents for existing tenancies.

The results of the census will be released in November 2023. When the surveys are finished, the census data will be checked, processed and evaluated.

Further information on the 2022 Census and pictures for reproduction are provided at www.zensus2022.de. There you will also find sample questionnaires (in German) of the 2022 Census surveys. If you are interested, we will be pleased to find you interview partners to discuss census issues.

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