Zensus 2022 Census: outlook on the results available in 2023

Press release No. 42 of December 28, 2022

  • Accurate population figures for the Federation, Länder and municipalities
  • Results on the population structure, education, employment, households and families
  • Data on housing: dweling size, rent, energy source, vacancy, etc.


WIESBADEN - The 2022 Census was conducted in Germany this year – a population census and a census of buildings and housing. The statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder will ensure the quality of the collected data and start processing them when the surveys are finished. The results will be published in late 2023. The census results will provide accurate population figures for the Federation, Länder and municipalities as well as data on the population structure, education and employment. As regards housing, the census provides data on all dwellings and residential buildings in Germany such as on the distribution of single-family and multi-family houses, the size of dwellings, net rent exclusive of heating expenses, energy sources used for heating, the reasons for dwellings being vacant and the duration of such vacancy, and other structural variables. The census also provides information on households and families and their housing circumstances.

Census results are highly important for Germany
We are looking back at a successful census year and are pleased to reap the rewards of our joint effort: accurate and highly important data on the population, on buildings and on dwellings”, says Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office. “Population figures are a central result and provide the basis for many decisions to be taken in Germany. They are used to set constituency boundaries and to organise the distribution of Bundesrat votes and they are needed to calculate the fiscal equalisation schemes among the Länder and among municipalities, for instance. The census results are used by political decision-makers at federal, Land and municipal levels and in the European Union as a major data basis for planning.

Census results are digital, open, free and machine-readable
The results of the census will be provided free of charge in a digital, open and machine-readable form in November 2023. Then the results will be available centrally in the census database down to municipality level. Additional digital information services are planned for various target groups regarding the census results. After the census results have been processed and analysed, they will also be forwarded to Eurostat, the European statistical office, in 2024.

Surveys were largely completed in 2022
The census surveys were largely completed in 2022. A total of over 30 million responses have been received in the 2022 Census. Most responses were received online, which contributed to saving enormous amounts of resources regarding paper and transport. The census of buildings and housing is largely finished, too. Those obliged to provide information for the census of buildings and housing are requested again to submit any missing responses.

More information on the 2022 Census and its surveys is available at www.zensus2022.de. There you will also find sample questionnaires (in German) of the 2022 Census surveys. If you are interested, we will be pleased to find you interview partners to discuss census issues.

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