Zensus Post-Census 2022 counts by individual municipalities will not change results

Press release No. 51 of October 30, 2024

WIESBADEN Referring to information relating to the 2022 Census results just sent to the municipalities, Karsten Lummer, project leader of the 2022 Census at the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), states: “In the 2022 Census, population figures were determined for all municipalities based on a method that was assessed scientifically and confirmed by the Federal Constitutional Court. There is no legal basis for counts being carried out by individual municipalities to correct their population figures subsequently. Therefore, citizens are not obliged to participate in such symbolic actions. From a methodological viewpoint, such counts are not suited for obtaining comparable population figures referring to the same reference date in all of Germany, that is population figures which in turn provide the basis for administrative processes in Germany and the Länder. However, we welcome all measures taken to improve population register quality. These actions can certainly help to initiate such improvements.”

Establishing population figures - Questions and answers

1. How are population figures arrived at in the 2022 Census?

The census determines population figures on the basis of a uniform method applied nationwide, assessed scientifically and also used in the 2011 Census. This is the only way to obtain comparable results for all of Germany that have been produced in accordance with the relevant legal provisions and international scientific standards. These results are based on data from the population registers which were edited and adjusted, for example for double registrations or persons with second residence. Undercoverage and overcoverage in the population registers were identified by interviewers in face-to-face interviews covering about 12% of the population. A scientific procedure was then used to gross up these sample results. A complete count of the population such as the one last conducted in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1987 would have been much more expensive and a disproportionate effort for the population.

The statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder are responsible for determining the population figures. Municipalities cannot establish or correct these figures themselves. This is laid down in law, in the Census Act. In accordance with section 1 of the 2022 Census Act, the census serves to determine the population figures for Germany, the Länder and the municipalities. Determining the population figures is a constitutional responsibility resulting from Germany’s Basic Law.

2. Why do population register figures and 2022 Census results differ?

Differences between population figures from population registers and the census were to be expected. For example, such differences may be due to the fact that people have not registered or deregistered although they have already moved to a specific location or do no longer live there.

Here are some of the reasons why population registers and numbers of inhabitants differ:

a) People have not (yet) registered at their main residence.

b) People have not (yet) registered at their new municipality after moving away from the municipality where they lived before.

c) People have not deregistered when moving abroad.

Refugee movements have also contributed to inaccuracies in the population registers since the last census of 2011. Therefore, the census is needed as a regular stocktaking exercise.

The 2022 Census is based on a procedure referred to as register-assisted, as was the 2011 Census. It has been developed by the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder. In contrast to a traditional population census, there is no need to survey all citizens because many data are available from registers of administrative authorities such as the residents’ registration offices.

The population register is corrected statistically by the census procedure. A sample of addresses is drawn and interviewers go to these places to establish how many people actually live there. Based on the administrative data and the results of the interviews, population figures are then determined statistically for the municipalities or associations of municipalities. As sample data were grossed up to produce these population figures, they may also differ from the actual figures in some instances but will generally be much closer to the actual figure than any number obtained by using only the population registers. Differences arising in the individual case are accepted to enable uniform implementation in all municipalities in Germany and limit cost and effort.

3. What is the Federal Statistical Office's position on subsequent own counts of the population by individual municipalities?

Only a uniform method as applied in the 2022 Census in the whole of Germany can ensure comparable population figures. Own counts do not meet these requirements.

The Federal Statistical Office welcomes any initiatives by the municipalities to improve the quality of their population registers. Improving the quality of the population registers may help to reduce future differences between population register figures and census results. From the Federal Statistical Office's point of view, counting the number of inhabitants using arbitrary methods is an unsuitable approach for determining a comparable population figure for a specific reference date.

The following examples show reasons why counting the population by collecting information on deliverable or undeliverable letters is not suitable:

a) No reliable information whether people actually live at the address and how many of them. Post may be delivered to an address even if a person actually no longer lives there.

b) Persons not included in the population register are not captured.

c) No reliable differentiation between the actual main residence or second residence.

d) No comparability with the figures collected as at the national Census Day in May 2022.

e) Figures cannot be compared nationally or across the Länder.

f) Dependency on the reliability of postal delivery services.

There is also no legal basis for the plans of individual municipalities to carry out subsequent own counts based on general assemblies or the collection of identity cards. Here again, there is no obligation to participate, and the methodology of the counts is not suitable to determine population figures as at the 2022 Census Day that can be compared with those of other municipalities.

More information:
These and other results of the 2022 Census can be accessed at www.zensus2022.de. In the press section, you can find current information for the press, press releases, contacts, press photos and further downloads relating to the 2022 Census.

In addition, the website provides:

  • The census database as a search tool that allows users to retrieve detailed results of the 2022 Census in tabular form for various regional levels - Germany, Länder, administrative districts, municipalities and boroughs (Berlin, Hamburg) - and combine the data with other variables. Various output formats are available for further data processing. The census database is based on the same technology as the other databases provided by official statistics agencies in Germany. Other applications can also communicate with the database directly (API) via programming languages. The census database contains data on the population (demographics), buildings, dwellings, households, families, education and employment. The new publication of results for 2011 based on the territorial boundaries of 2022 will soon be available.
  • Regional tables for download (in EXCEL format, including machine-readable tables). The regional tables contain data for regional levels - Germany, Länder, administrative regions, urban districts/towns not attached to an administrative district/rural districts, associations of municipalities, and municipalities. They cover the following five subject areas:
    1. Population figures
    2. Demographics
    3. Census of buildings and housing
    4. Education and employment
    5. Households and families
  • The Census-Atlas, an interactive map which comprises results for the population, buildings and dwellings on the basis of grid cells (10 km, 1 km and 100 m).
  • Podcasts, videos and animations with background information (for example about the benefits of the data)

Links to all applications will be provided at www.zensus2022.de once they are available. We will also notify all subscribers to our Census-Newsletter about further additions to our website. You can register for the newsletter on our press page.
At x.com/Zensus2022 we will also keep you abreast of our latest releases.

For further information:

Press office: Tel: +49 611 75 3444 (service number)

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