Zensus The 2022 Census provides information on households and families

Press release No. 38 of October 26, 2022

  • Processing of census data will start at the end of 2022
  • Statistical procedures generate information on households and families
  • Publication of results planned for November 2023


WIESBADEN - A total of over 29.5 million responses have already been received in the 2022 Census. After the surveys have been completed, the data are processed in the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder, are combined statistically with other data sources (population registers, for example) and edited. The objective of the 2022 Census is not only to determine the number of inhabitants, but also to provide data on the number and structure of households and their housing circumstances.

What is the composition of households in Germany?
In the middle of 2023, after the data have been processed, a statistical procedure will be applied to generate household and family relationships. To this end, information from the various data sources of the census will be combined and the relevant data will be generated in an automated manner. The data sources include the household survey, the census of buildings and housing, and the population registers. "The statistical techniques used for generating households are based on the current state of research and will help to exploit the evaluation potential of the 2022 Census data to the fullest," commented Professor Dr. Michael Fürnrohr, head of the 2022 Census project in Bayern. Finally, the results of the household generating procedure will provide answers about household relationships and housing circumstances: How many people live in how many square metres? What are the housing circumstances of one-person households? How much space do households with children have to live in? The household generating procedure provides national as well as detailed regional results.

Results scheduled for November 2023
The results of the 2022 Census will be released in November 2023. "The sophisticated statistical processing procedures are essential for the provision of high-quality population data," said Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office. "This is the only way to meet the high quality demands we have set for the 2022 Census results." The results of the 2022 Census will be the basis for a multitude of administrative and political plans and decisions.

More information on the 2022 Census and its surveys is available at www.zensus2022.de. In addition, the Federal Statistical Office and the statistical offices of the Länder are available for questions at www.zensus2022.de/contact and www.twitter.com/zensus2022! If you are interested, we will be pleased to find you interview partners to discuss census issues.

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For further information: www.zensus2022.de/contact

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