Zensus The Census-Atlas

The Census-Atlas, an interactive mapping application, provides first results for the population, buildings and dwellings and offers small-area data on a grid-cell basis, also across the boundaries of municipalities.

First census results for Germany as a whole are presented spatially in the Census-Atlas as thematic maps, independent of administrative boundaries. At the start of the release phase on 25 June 2024, four such maps are being made available, visualising data on the population, type of heating in a building, energy source used for heating, and net rent exclusive of heating expenses per square metre. More results will be rolled out subsequently on a gradual basis.

The underlying data from the 2022 Census are available to you as high-resolution, geo-referenced results in 10km, 1km and 100m grid cells; they are provided as ZIP files for download. This also allows the census results to be processed independently of administrative regional units. The data are available in INSPIRE-compliant format. Confidentiality of the 2022 Census results is ensured at all grid cell levels.

Grid data for download for geographical information systems (GIS)

Here you can find the data of all maps shown in the Census-Atlas, which may be freely used as open data (provided that the source is cited). Each ZIP file contains the data on the particular topic for the 10km, 1km and 100m grids as CSV files and a detailed dataset description in EXCEL format. Users can also access the dataset description separately to learn more about the grid data before performing the download (in German).

Due to their size, the data for 100m grid cells, in particular, cannot be opened with spreadsheet applications such as EXCEL. For analysis purposes, they are therefore generally processed using GIS tools.

population figures

Population figures

Dataset description for table on ‘Bevölkerungszahlen in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 109 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Bevölkerungszahlen in Gitterzellen
(zip, 18 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Proportion of foreigners

Dataset description for table on ‘Ausländeranteil’
(xlsx, 126 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Ausländeranteil in Gitterzellen
(zip, 19,63 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Average age

Dataset description for table on ‘Durchschnittsalter in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Durchschnittsalter in Gitterzellen
(zip, 22,23 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Age in 5 age categories

Dataset description for table on ‘Alter in 5 Altersklassen in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Alter in 5 Altersklassen Gitterzellen
(zip, 31,59 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Age in 10-year age bands

Dataset description for table on ‘Alter in 10er-Jahresgruppen in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Alter in 10er-Jahrsgruppen in Gitterzellen
(zip, 35,93 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Proportion of under 18 year olds

Dataset description for table on ‘Anteil der unter 18-Jährigen’
(xlsx, 126 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Anteil der unter 18-Jährigen in Gitterzellen
(zip, 20,64 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Proportion of 65 year olds and over

Dataset description for table on ‘Anteil der ab 65-Jährigen‘
(xlsx, 126 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Anteil der ab 65-Jährigen in Gitterzellen
(zip, 21,06 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

buildings and dwellings

Average household size

Dataset description for table on ‘Durchschnittliche Haushaltsgröße in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Durchschnittliche Haushaltsgröße in Gitterzellen
(zip, 17 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Average net rent exclusive of heating expenses

Dataset description for table on ‘Durchschnittliche Nettokaltmiete in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 118KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Durchschnittliche Nettokaltmiete in Gitterzellen
(zip, 9 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Owner-occupier rate

Dataset description for table on ‘Eigentümerquote in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 126 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Eigentümerquote in Gitterzellen
(zip, 15,55 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Vacancy rate

Dataset description for table on ‘Leerstandsquote in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 126 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Leerstandsquote in Gitterzellen
(zip, 12,37 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Vacancy rate for dwellings on the market

Dataset description for table on ‘Marktaktive Leerstandsquote in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 126 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Marktaktive Leerstandsquote in Gitterzellen
(zip, 13,18 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Living floor space per inhabitant

Dataset description for table on ‘Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche je Bewohner in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche je Bewohner in Gitterzellen
(zip, 18,78 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Living floor space per dwelling

Dataset description for table on ‘Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche je Wohnung in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche je Wohnung in Gitterzellen
(zip, 19,42 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Buildings by year of construction in microcensus categories

Dataset description for table on ‘Gebäude nach Baujahr in Mikrozensus-Klassen in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Gebäude nach Baujahr in Mikrozensus-Klassen in Gitterzellen
(zip, 21,23 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)


Main type of heating

Dataset description for table on ‘Wohnungen nach überwiegender Heizungsart in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 116 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Wohnungen nach überwiegender Heizungsart in Gitterzellen
(zip, 21 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Buildings with residential space by main type of heating

Dataset description for table on ‘Gebäude mit Wohnraum nach überwiegender Heizungsart in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 127 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Gebäude mit Wohnraum nach überwiegender Heizungsart in Gitterzellen
(zip, 18,23 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Energy source used for heating

Dataset description for table on ‘Wohnungen nach Energieträger der Heizung in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 116 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Wohnungen nach Entergieträger der Heizung in Gitterzellen
(zip, 23 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Buildings with residential space by energy source used for heating 

Dataset descriptioin for table on ‘Gebäude mit Wohnraum nach Energieträger der Heizung in Gitterzellen’
(xlsx, 128 KB, file does not meet accessibility standards)

Gebäude mit Wohnraum nach Energieträger der Heizung in Gitterzellen
(zip, 20,45 MB, file does not meet accessibility standards)