Press Press releases

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Press release

Press Release No. 35 of September 28, 2022 Online questionnaires of the 2022 Census used 23.8 million times so far

This year’s census in Germany – a population census combined with a census of buildings and housing – focuses on digital response options. “The digitalisation strategy of the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder in the 2022 Census has …

Press release

Press Release No. 34 of September 14, 2022 2022 Census: progress in determining the population figures

One of the central aims of this year's census is to determine the exact numbers of population in Germany, the Länder and the municipalities. To this end, households at randomly selected addresses are interviewed, which involves roughly 10.3 million …

Press release

Press Release No. 33 of September 8, 2022 Why do we need all the responses in the 2022 Census?

The 2022 Census, which is carried out by the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder, consists of a population census and a census of buildings and housing. Owners of residential property have answered 21.6 million questionnaires on …

Press release

Press Release No. 32 of August 31, 2022 2022 Census: statistics on statistics

The 2022 Census shows how many people live in Germany and provides comprehensive statistical information on employment, education, households, families, and buildings and dwellings. It is the largest project in the area of official statistics and …

Press release

Press Release No. 31 of August 24, 2022 The 2022 Census will provide new findings on housing and heating in Germany

The 2022 Census counts not only the population but also all residential buildings and dwellings in Germany. In this census of buildings and housing, owners of residential property have answered 20.7 million questionnaires on their residential object …