Press Press releases

Search results 21 to 25 from a total of 46

Press release

Press Release No. 27 of August 3, 2022 2022 Census: What happens to the collected data?

The surveys of the 2022 Census have been running since mid May. A total of over 23.9 million responses have already been received in the 2022 Census. The data are then processed in the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder, …

Press release

Press Release No. 26 of July 27, 2022 Questions frequently asked by citizens about the 2022 Census

The 2022 Census surveys have been going on in Germany for more than two months – successfully and on schedule. The Federal Statistical Office and the statistical offices of the Länder have set up information desks to answer questions by telephone, in …

Press release

Press Release No. 25 of July 25, 2022 Good progress in the 2022 Census after two months: just under three quarters of the people surveyed have responded

The census reference date was two months ago, on 15 May 2022. Surveying over 30 million people all over Germany, either online or in personal interviews, started on that day. A total of 20.3 million responses have already been received in the 2022 …

Press release

Press Release No. 24 of July 19, 2022 Census surveys progressing successfully

The successful conduct of the surveys and the reliability of the supporting software have been questioned in the context of the 2022 Census. The statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder make it clear that the census surveys are …

Press release

Press Release No. 23 of July 6, 2022 2022 Census: already 19.3 million reports received

Almost eight weeks after the reference date of the 2022 Census (15 May 2022), the response rate in the census of buildings and housing is already 72%. The owners of residential space contacted have already completed 16.8 million questionnaires, …