Press Press releases

Search results 31 to 35 from a total of 46

Press release

Press Release No. 17 of May 16, 2022 2022 Census: start of the surveys

The surveys of the 2022 Census have started and will be held from mid-May to around mid-August. The 2022 Census consists of a population census and a census of buildings and housing, providing up-to-date population and housing data. Sunday, 15 May …

Press release

Press Release No. 16 of May 13, 2022 Why are people obliged to provide information in the 2022 Census?

The legislators established an obligation to provide information for the 2022 Census. All people who are asked to provide information for the census are obliged to answer the questions truthfully, completely and within the time limits set by the …

Press release

Press Release No. 15 of May 10, 2022 What questions does the 2022 Census ask?

The reference date of the 2022 Census is 15 May. Data collection will start in the middle of May in all of Germany via a population census and a census of buildings and housing. The population census is based on the data from the population registers …

Press release

Press Release No. 14 of May 5, 2022 What is the procedure of the 2022 Census surveys?

Data collection for the 2022 Census will start on 15 May. Over 30 million people all over Germany will be surveyed for the census. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for people to answer the survey questions, to save costs and to apply an …

Press release

Press Release No. 13 of April 20, 2022 2022 Census: online questionnaires make participation easier and are good for the environment

Most people in Germany can no longer imagine not using digital media. This is a major component also of the 2022 Census. The focus of the survey is on online participation. This means that as many respondents as possible should provide their answers …